What matters to you?

Deutsche Bahn - What matters to you?

25,000 is the incredible number of new employees Deutsche Bahn is looking for every year. And that in a labour market that is more than exhausted. For DB's new employer branding, one thing was clear to us: we wouldn't get very far with the usual HR phrases. So we created a campaign that doesn't just offer people a job, but invites them into a dialogue. At the centre of the 360° activities are real employees and their honest answers to a central question: What is important to you? In this way, we show again and again, in an approachable and authentic way, that DB is not only interested in people's individual needs - but also offers the ideal working environment to find exactly what is important to you personally.


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Works audibene / hear.com - Jump ’n’ Hear | A Roblox Hearing Game.